
*所有的研究生和本科生都将参加学院的典礼 in which their major/degree is housed. *

如果你想避免握手,当你穿过舞台后接受 你的毕业证书封面,请将你的手放在心口处.

我们强烈建议毕业生不要带太多私人物品到学校 check-in. The standard regalia gown does include a phone pocket.



Past Ceremonies

Missed a ceremony? Or want to relive the moment? View past Commencement ceremonies now!



Live Stream Ceremony

每次毕业典礼前15分钟都有现场直播 ceremony.


Commencement Ticketing Process Fall 2024

Download Ticketing Instructions for Commencement


THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024 Students must have submitted their petition to graduate 晚上11点45分,才有资格参加2024年秋季毕业典礼.

毕业典礼出席(行军命令)将开放给学生,以回复他们的出席。 更新他们的名字,并为毕业典礼卡片提供他们名字的发音.

学生将于9月16日星期一收到行军命令的电子邮件 portal is open and ready to accept reservations.

学生必须回复才能参加仪式并获得四张嘉宾票. 未回复的学生可能无法参加毕业典礼 and will not be issued guest tickets. 


毕业典礼出席(进行令)门户关闭,供学生回复 出席,收到他们的四张嘉宾票,更新他们的名字,并提供发音 of their name for the commencement cards. After this date, students WILL NOT be able 如需更改姓名,请在颁奖典礼上公布,如有数据 已被《正规博彩十大网站排名》下载,开始记录姓名的过程. Students who 未能在截止日期前回复的申请人可能没有资格参加毕业典礼 and may be added to a waitlist.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2024 Log into the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Ticket Portal so that your account is activated to receive and purchase tickets.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2024, at 10AM

Four (4) guest tickets will be issued via the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Ticket Portal 感谢每一位回复参加毕业典礼的学生.  未在截止日期前回复的学生不能保证收到四张嘉宾票. 
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Tuesday, November 19th, 等待名单上的学生如果被批准与学院一起参加毕业典礼,将会收到通知,并根据票的可用性分配门票.  我们不能保证在候补名单上的学生一定能拿到来宾票.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2024, at 10AM

Students who RSVP their attendance will be able to log into the ticket portal 如欲额外购买两张门票,先到先得, as available.  不允许额外购票,使用票务门户将是购买额外购票的唯一途径.

2024年秋季开学典礼的门票可以通过以下链接购买,上午10点开始 ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 (LINK COMING SOON)

Please email all ticketing questions to stadium@azarnewsonline.com or call 470-578-4849.


有关下载及转送门票的详情,请浏览以下连结: http://ksuowls.com/sports/2021/2/23/how-to-transfer-your-tickets.aspx


电子邮件和短信将发送给学生有关毕业典礼和门票的信息. 学生必须检查他们的正规博彩十大网站排名学生电子邮件以获取重要的毕业典礼和票务信息.  选择退出接收注册主任办公室电子邮件的学生可能不会收到任何电子邮件通信,直到他们选择重新接收注册主任办公室的电子邮件通信.  选择不接收教务长办公室电子邮件的学生和不选择重新接收的学生仍然需要负责有关毕业典礼的信息和截止日期.
  1. Thursday, August 22, Students MUST HAVE submitted their petition to graduate 晚上11点45分,才有资格参加2024年秋季毕业典礼.
  2. 9月16日(星期一),毕业典礼出席仪式(进行令)将向学生开放 回复他们的出席,更新他们的名字,并提供他们的名字的发音 for the commencement cards. Students MUST RSVP by the deadline to receive their four tickets.
  3. 11月8日星期五,毕业典礼出席(入场令)入口关闭 学生要回复他们的出席,更新他们的名字,并提供发音 their names for the commencement cards. Students who fail to RSVP by the deadline 可能没有资格参加毕业典礼,并可能被列入候补名单 upon request.
  4. By Monday, November 11, log into the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Ticket Portal so that your account is activated to receive and purchase tickets.
  5. 11月14日星期四上午10点,四(4)张门票将通过您的帐户发出 in the 正规博彩十大网站排名 Ticket Portal 感谢每一位回复参加毕业典礼的学生. 未在截止日期前回复的学生不能保证收到四张嘉宾票.   
  6. On Tuesday, November 19th,等待名单上的学生如果被批准参加,将会收到通知 毕业典礼与他们的学院和将分配门票为基础 ticket availability. There are no guarantees that students on the waitlist will receive guest tickets.
  7. 11月21日(周四)上午10点,学生们可以登录到 ticket portal 额外购买两张门票,先到先得. This will 是唯一的方式购买两张额外的票,因为票将不可用 on site for purchase. Please email all ticketing questions to stadium@azarnewsonline.com or call 470-578-4849.
  8. 有关信息的电子邮件和短信将发送给学生 to commencement and tickets from September 16 through November 21. Students are responsible 查看他们的学生电子邮件帐户,查看所有与游行有关的电子邮件 Order and tickets. Students who do not RSVP by the November 8th 截止日期可能无法参加毕业典礼,也可能无法收到自己的请柬.  选择不接收教务长办公室电子邮件的学生和不选择重新接收的学生仍然需要负责有关毕业典礼的信息和截止日期.

Fall 2024 Commencement

2024年秋季毕业典礼的信息将于2024年8月1日公布.  Please check back on August 1.

Download Schedule

Commencement Attendance Portal - Marching Order

进行令是用来管理开工作业的系统, including graduate RSVPs, graduate communications, and grad passes. 毕业生必须在毕业典礼上创建一个帐户,以确保他们的名字被正确地发音和列出. 

RSVP is required for commencement attendance.

正规博彩十大网站排名 graduating students at the ceremony

Commencement Programs

    • Commencement Program: Fall 2023 - Optimized for digital and mobile use
    • Printed programs will not be available at the ceremony.
    • 我们将在中庭为所有来宾提供一份印刷的一页仪式议程 the Convocation Center
    • Students may request a printed program by sending an email to diploma@azarnewsonline.com. Please allow six to eight weeks for delivery
    • Commencement Program: Spring 2023 - Optimized for digital and mobile use
    • Printed programs will not be available at the ceremony.
    • 我们将在中庭为所有来宾提供一份印刷的一页仪式议程 the Convocation Center
    • Students may request a printed program by sending an email to diploma@azarnewsonline.com. Please allow six to eight weeks for delivery
    • Commencement Program: Fall 2022 – Optimized for digital and mobile use
    • Printed programs will not be available at the ceremony.
    • 我们将在中庭为所有来宾提供一份印刷的一页仪式议程 the Convocation Center
    • Students may request a printed program by sending an email to diploma@azarnewsonline.com. Please allow six to eight weeks for delivery
    • Commencement Program: Spring 2022 - Optimized for digital and mobile use
    • 在毕业典礼上,将向每位毕业生提供一份印刷的毕业典礼计划.
    • 我们将在中庭为所有来宾提供一份印刷的一页仪式议程 the Convocation Center
    • Students may request additional programs by sending an email to diploma@azarnewsonline.com. Please allow six to eight weeks for delivery.